I came to advertising through a circuitous route, as many in the business have. In previous lives I was (among other greatest hits) an usher, gas station attendant, dishwasher, carpenter, tile installer, line cook, nightclub bouncer and picture framer. Not much of that prepared me for the finesse and acumen required in the world of advertising, but it did give me a determined work ethic borne from the desire to never do those jobs again.
Rather than continuing my solid mastery of entry-level mediocrity, I attended College for Creative Studies and built on my artistic foundations- photography, music, design and writing. And while I discovered I wasn’t a Zen Master in any of those disciplines, a career in advertising has repeatedly allowed me to utilize and build on them all.
My experience over the years has been broad, running the gamut from the most basic of web banners to the intricacies of creating a Super Bowl commercial, from designing branded bar coasters to multi-channel online promotions with over 31 million views. I embrace the process, from the building of client relationships to the building of brands. I love to collaborate, create, produce and revise, and then (after a glorious five minutes of self-congratulation) to do it all over again.
I do not shy away from doing the daily chores, because I believe “leadership” means leading by example. All those who comprise the team should have the same chances for success that I have enjoyed, providing they have the desire and put forth the effort.
So, that is a bit about me. If you read past the first line, I thank you.